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Track Themes

Talented Students Track Themes

First: Exploration and recognition of talented male and female students

  1. Holding workshops for male and female program coordinators about the methods, means, procedures and tools followed to explore talented students.
  2. Making an inventory of the university talented students (males and females) by the assistance of the program coordinators in the colleges.
  3. Preparing a database that will include the names of the university talented students, along with the kind of their talents.
  4. Coordinating with national institutions specialized in caring for talented students in the Kingdom, like King Abdulaziz & His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity in order to recognize the talented males and females in the public teaching institutions.

Second: Patronizing and caring for the talented students (males and females)

  1. Preparing internal and external enrichment programs (training programs, workshops, practical trainings, and visits to local and international centers for talents etc.) through getting assistance from the specialists and program consultants, and in collaboration with the persons in charge of the programs and activities in the program, and by filling forms related to the enrichment programs for the talented.
  2. Inviting the students to join available student clubs, inside or outside the university.
  3. Connecting the talented students to the supportive Mentoring Track in the program so that the students may be provided with instruction, guidance and assistance by specialized experts with distinguished expertise that will enable them to scaffold and develop their talents.
  4. Coordinating with the Deanship of Registration and Admission to adopt a policy for registering and accepting courses for the talented students of public teaching institutions at the university, according to certain conditions.
  5. Preparing development programs for the talented students so that they can pass the international tests related to joining high studies.
  6. Preparing an Honor Board that contains the names and achievements of the talented students to be hanged in the university lobby.
  7. Preparing and designing electronic forums specialized in various fields of talent, and inviting the talented students to join these forums.
  8. Coordinating with the concerned units at the university to put a plan that will provide tools and supplies needed by the talented students, and arrange scientific and cultural contests, as well as artistic and scientific visits, tours and camps, assuring their strict execution, and then to make an assessment of their results in order to recognize the students talents and develop them, each in his field.
  9. Preparing a periodical that includes the productions of the talented students, and their news and achievements, both at the university and society levels.
  10. Arranging artistic and scientific exhibitions and literary evenings etc., in all sorts of talents, both at the university and society levels, inviting responsible people and parents of the students in order to raise their spirits, and show their talents.
Last updated on : January 12, 2023 2:29am